Where it all started. We are based in the hart of Denmark on Fyn.
In the world of seed business, Denmark is known for it's long days, stable temperatures, perfect soil conditions, and very professinal growers.
Denmark is situated at 55-degrees north latitude. The land is surrounded by seas and has a coastline of more than 7000 km.
The temperate climate and fertile soils, makes it very suitable for the production of vegetable seeds.
The structure of the Danish farmers have during, especally the last 20 years, developed fast. Going from smaler fields to large fields, but still have field size from 1-100 hectars, the bigger fields have made the growers very specialized in the latest tecnology.
This helps the growers to secure the crops during the season, and in the end, secure the seeds for our customers.
We have during the last 50 years improved our skills and we master a broad range of products, properly best known for Hybrid spinach - but the item list has become long over the years.